Now on to the hunt, and I will display some pics of some possible ghostly orbs, and from what I know about orbs is that they are all solid from the inside out and move on there own accord. And I know for a Fact that some of these pics are Obrs becuz it moved from front to back of from the ground up and would follow us until we left the cemetary.
Here's the first pic:
I would show you the first one but due to the fact that there are names on the headstone, I can't

do that because that wouldn't make the family very unhappy. So About the first headstone all there of us were attracted to it, we all felt a rush of grief and agony, and being as I'm an empath, I felt it the strongest, it almost made me cry. So what I decided to do right when it was getting dark I set my digital voice recorder on top of the headstone and we all walked away to get pictures else where. Well we didn't get anything but dustballs from walking on the road, so I decided to come back to the headstone to pick up my recorder. On the way when I was getting closer I took a picture toward the headstone to see if I could see anything and you can see a little white orb up in the upper right hand corner. Then after that one we kept seeing more orbs and hearing and seeing things.

OK, this little bugger scared the crap out of me! I had my back to it and I was facing my mom and her friend and we were talking and I heard some grass and leaves crunch directly behind me, now mind you we're about an hour into this and I am already spooked, so I scream, Jump, run through my mom and run into mom's friend and turn around and took the picture and got this little bastard floating right next to where I heard em was walking right over that headstone...rather right in front of it. Man you wanna scare....let shit walk behind you, lol.

Now these are the last two pictures as we were walking back towards our vehicles, As you can see it is in front of me floating and then It heads back towards my mom and her friend and floats above there heads and then wonders off. It's was fun for my first hunt, I saw an orb for a second, saw some movement across the graveyard that wasn't alive, and got spooked by a spiritual orb. LOL, SO! WHENS MY NEXT HUNT?!

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