I have discovered in the past 2 years that I am an empath. That means that I can feel what other people are feeling (their emotions) and I can also get other peoples symptoms and I can usually tell when people are lying to me or are just lying in general. I have discovered how to control and use my ability properly from someone else helpful blog. http://psychicempaths.blogspot.com
This would explain why I was always "depress" like and pissy with everyone. Because I was letting my "vibrations" get so low to what other people are feeling that I was feeling the same thing and therefore acting out on there emotions.
I am a very happy person now that I have discovered how to control it and raise my vibrations. I think that is why I am happier by myself and in the woods, because being in nature to me raises my vibrations and I am so happy that I want to burst into tears from all of the happiness.
Also being with my kids raises my vibrations because they are always so happy and playful and always smiling and smiling raises my vibrations.
I hear some people say that Empathy is inherited from one of your family members. The only person that I can think of is my mom....I don't know much about my biological father, so mom will work. Besides in the past several month I have discovered that I have many similar traits as her. If I don't get enough sleep....well look out! LOL
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Cost of driving!!
Well today had finally broke down and had to register my car to me....well, the temp tag expired this sunday...
To register my car that I got from another state was $461.19!!!!
Omg I am now soooooooo broke it isn't even funny, but I finally got it done. No more stressing over that.
To register my car that I got from another state was $461.19!!!!
Omg I am now soooooooo broke it isn't even funny, but I finally got it done. No more stressing over that.
Snickers Bars
~~~~~A heightened yet fleeting state of accomplishment that makes you realize how unbelievably unmotivated you normally are.
~~~~~A state of mind making you feel very strong and powerful, almost mayor-like.
~~~~~The weight of something when you weigh it with you toungue.
~~~~~A heightened yet fleeting state of accomplishment that makes you realize how unbelievably unmotivated you normally are.
~~~~~A state of mind making you feel very strong and powerful, almost mayor-like.
~~~~~The weight of something when you weigh it with you toungue.
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Curious Feast
I'm at a crossroads, I look to my right and then I look to my left...and what do I see to my left but a big black creature standing in the middle of the road over his feast looking over at me, wondering if I am going to turn in his direction to disturb his meal. He never takes his eyes off of me until I cross the road. Then when he realizes that I am not going to disturb his lunch he continues to eat to his little hearts content.
The Black Crow
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Here you go
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Conspiracy Theory
I know that everyone has there own conspriacy theory and this one is mine. I know that there will be a lot of people out there that will agree with me.
First, lets start off with scientology.....yes scientology:
I have done very little research on it and don't really care to. All of the research that I have done is by watching south parks episode on scientology and from what my mother-in-law has told me.
All that scientology is a money hungry rich scarfing cult.
Mormonism is the exact same way..... at the end of the year if you want to remain on the "Ladder" in the mormon temple or whatever you have to pay the mormon search a certain amount of money out of your taxes....yeah.... I know retarded right?! No, It's fucking stupid.....Pardon my french.
Mormons..... and there damn door to door soliciting.....Do you see any other religion out there doing it.... besides the jahovah witness'..... The are trying to get more money out of people to make more reddiculus temples that have no point. Here in Twin Falls, ID they just got done building a new temple....eh.... and all off the interior carpets and decorations and whatnots have come from completely other countries....
And this is why i think that mormonism is the BIGGEST CULT out there ever, even bigger then scientology. Scientology is for the rich, because all that they want is money...well i take that back, every religion is for the rich except the earthbound religions that require no money!
Those are my two bitches for the conspiracy theory hour.... well 2 mintues.....
Wicca is free, wicca is earthbound and misunderstood because of what other religions have brain washed people to think. All that the Goddess and God ask every now and then from everyone is some love and a little food offering....
No money required!
Peace out, I will write more on this later, right now I have no time.
First, lets start off with scientology.....yes scientology:
I have done very little research on it and don't really care to. All of the research that I have done is by watching south parks episode on scientology and from what my mother-in-law has told me.
All that scientology is a money hungry rich scarfing cult.
Mormonism is the exact same way..... at the end of the year if you want to remain on the "Ladder" in the mormon temple or whatever you have to pay the mormon search a certain amount of money out of your taxes....yeah.... I know retarded right?! No, It's fucking stupid.....Pardon my french.
Mormons..... and there damn door to door soliciting.....Do you see any other religion out there doing it.... besides the jahovah witness'..... The are trying to get more money out of people to make more reddiculus temples that have no point. Here in Twin Falls, ID they just got done building a new temple....eh.... and all off the interior carpets and decorations and whatnots have come from completely other countries....
And this is why i think that mormonism is the BIGGEST CULT out there ever, even bigger then scientology. Scientology is for the rich, because all that they want is money...well i take that back, every religion is for the rich except the earthbound religions that require no money!
Those are my two bitches for the conspiracy theory hour.... well 2 mintues.....
Wicca is free, wicca is earthbound and misunderstood because of what other religions have brain washed people to think. All that the Goddess and God ask every now and then from everyone is some love and a little food offering....
No money required!
Peace out, I will write more on this later, right now I have no time.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fun Time in the Sun....Time
This weekend was the 2008 Montoya family reunion at Angel Lake in Wells Nevada. The girls had loads of fun, between Brianna getting everyones attention to Kyla playing with the water spicket and getting drenched....thank god that she was in a swimming suit lol.
The Lake up at Angel Lake is beautiful:

It had big tall mountains wrapped around the whole lake. The mountains were massive and surprisingly green with lush full green trees. On the left side of the lake there is a rolling green hill then connected to it is a beautifully tall white rocky mountain.

In the center of this picture on the far back there is a little water fall that is shown in a previous picture. It is very beautiful here. You could spend hours up here if you wanted to but I didn't because the mosquitos were coming out and I had no bug spray.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Today I wanna kick my daughters ass!
Kyla now has this thing on the weekends where she doesn't wanna wake us up and she wants to "help" me out by trying to go and make a bottle for Brianna.....Yes she gets into the formula and makes a mess like she usually does.
AND THATS NOT ALL!!!! She obviously thought that the kittens in the bathroom weren't clean enough so she desided to smear Gregs shaving cream on 5 out of 6 of them.....now they are wet because I had to wash them off.....Poor things
AND THATS NOT ALL!!!! She obviously thought that the kittens in the bathroom weren't clean enough so she desided to smear Gregs shaving cream on 5 out of 6 of them.....now they are wet because I had to wash them off.....Poor things
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Just to make things Clear!
Apparently some people can't mind there own business and need to learn to stay out of my personal business. So to make things clear!
Greg and I are working out right now, we are happy together and are probably not going to seperate for a long while. Now if you don't mind please shoo!
Greg and I are working out right now, we are happy together and are probably not going to seperate for a long while. Now if you don't mind please shoo!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
My First Ghost Hunt!!
Ok, so, last night I went on my first ghost hunt and I remember watching an episode of one of those ghost haunted house episode. And I remember watching something about using a pendulum and a Dowsing Rod and something else. So I thought, I already have the Pendulum, but I didn't know anything about Dowsing rods aka Diving rods. So I did some exploring and learned that it would be cheaper: to make some and they aren't hard. I will make a blog about how to make them after this one. So before I got to my mom's house to go with her and her friend on the ghost hunt in the cemetary. I would recommend coat hangers because they are stronger to hold form, but I bought some welding wire and that stuff is good for a quick fix and it does work.
Now on to the hunt, and I will display some pics of some possible ghostly orbs, and from what I know about orbs is that they are all solid from the inside out and move on there own accord. And I know for a Fact that some of these pics are Obrs becuz it moved from front to back of from the ground up and would follow us until we left the cemetary.
Here's the first pic:
I would show you the first one but due to the fact that there are names on the headstone, I can't

do that because that wouldn't make the family very unhappy. So About the first headstone all there of us were attracted to it, we all felt a rush of grief and agony, and being as I'm an empath, I felt it the strongest, it almost made me cry. So what I decided to do right when it was getting dark I set my digital voice recorder on top of the headstone and we all walked away to get pictures else where. Well we didn't get anything but dustballs from walking on the road, so I decided to come back to the headstone to pick up my recorder. On the way when I was getting closer I took a picture toward the headstone to see if I could see anything and you can see a little white orb up in the upper right hand corner. Then after that one we kept seeing more orbs and hearing and seeing things.
Ok so this next one is a two part and I can't really remember much about what happened before this but as you see it was on the left hand side of the headstone and then on the picture below it the orb moved to the top center of the headstone.

OK, this little bugger scared the crap out of me! I had my back to it and I was facing my mom and her friend and we were talking and I heard some grass and leaves crunch directly behind me, now mind you we're about an hour into this and I am already spooked, so I scream, Jump, run through my mom and run into mom's friend and turn around and took the picture and got this little bastard floating right next to where I heard em walking....it was walking right over that headstone...rather right in front of it. Man you wanna scare....let shit walk behind you, lol.

Now these are the last two pictures as we were walking back towards our vehicles, As you can see it is in front of me floating and then It heads back towards my mom and her friend and floats above there heads and then wonders off. It's was fun for my first hunt, I saw an orb for a second, saw some movement across the graveyard that wasn't alive, and got spooked by a spiritual orb. LOL, SO! WHENS MY NEXT HUNT?!
Now on to the hunt, and I will display some pics of some possible ghostly orbs, and from what I know about orbs is that they are all solid from the inside out and move on there own accord. And I know for a Fact that some of these pics are Obrs becuz it moved from front to back of from the ground up and would follow us until we left the cemetary.
Here's the first pic:
I would show you the first one but due to the fact that there are names on the headstone, I can't

do that because that wouldn't make the family very unhappy. So About the first headstone all there of us were attracted to it, we all felt a rush of grief and agony, and being as I'm an empath, I felt it the strongest, it almost made me cry. So what I decided to do right when it was getting dark I set my digital voice recorder on top of the headstone and we all walked away to get pictures else where. Well we didn't get anything but dustballs from walking on the road, so I decided to come back to the headstone to pick up my recorder. On the way when I was getting closer I took a picture toward the headstone to see if I could see anything and you can see a little white orb up in the upper right hand corner. Then after that one we kept seeing more orbs and hearing and seeing things.

OK, this little bugger scared the crap out of me! I had my back to it and I was facing my mom and her friend and we were talking and I heard some grass and leaves crunch directly behind me, now mind you we're about an hour into this and I am already spooked, so I scream, Jump, run through my mom and run into mom's friend and turn around and took the picture and got this little bastard floating right next to where I heard em walking....it was walking right over that headstone...rather right in front of it. Man you wanna scare....let shit walk behind you, lol.

Now these are the last two pictures as we were walking back towards our vehicles, As you can see it is in front of me floating and then It heads back towards my mom and her friend and floats above there heads and then wonders off. It's was fun for my first hunt, I saw an orb for a second, saw some movement across the graveyard that wasn't alive, and got spooked by a spiritual orb. LOL, SO! WHENS MY NEXT HUNT?!

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