Ok, so I have a reason to believe that someone that was in the same household that night that my car got pop sprayed all over it was that person. I am not going to name names, but lets have some common sense. My car was the only one hit and the car parked directly behind me wasn't, or any others in the parking lot. The bottle that SHE brought in was diet pepsi... and hey! guess what, she was drinking diet pepsi the whole time that we were playing a game. No teenage kid in there right mind would waste a full liter of pop for no reason, let alone on one car, they would have hit atleast both cars because they were bumper to bumper. Let alone very few teenagers out there drink DIET PEPSI!!!!
I just hope that next time she will think before she does anything to my car again. I didn't think about it much that night because 4 out of 6 of us were drunk off our asses, lol. We all disgust it all the next morning and all agree that it was HER!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
OH.........MY GOD!
For the past three years greg and I have been visiting my dad's house at least once or twice a year. The first incident that happened was my first car got it in a hit and run, but they caught the girl. The next time that we visited after that when they moved from Challis to Elko, NV our new car got a flat tire and we had to buy a new tire because the one that got flat was unfixable. Not 20 minutes ago we just found out that some prick son of a BITCH decided that he/she wanted to throw there liter of pepsi on top of my car. Making it spread all over the roof of the car, the front and back window, hood, trunk, and we were lucky enough to not get any inside of the car on the driver side because it was cracked open.
Seriously! What posses people to think that they have the FUCKING right to mess with other peoples SHIT that they work had to earn when it isn't even theres.
The whole time that My dad has been living in Elko since May of 2008 His Suzuki got broken into and the speaker was torn out and his CD's were stolen. Sandy's car had gotten into a couple of times and so did the dodge truck.
WOW people I hope that Karma comes around and smacks your fat lazy asses in the face. If you don't have much of a life to where you go around stealing other peoples shit that they worked so hard for then you dont deserve to live.
LEAVE MY DAMN CAR ALONE, PLEASE! Can we get a break in life when we go on vacation for once.... geez!
Monday, November 17, 2008
What is your soul Type?
Realms _ Spiritual Faiths _ Types Of SoulsPosted
by: ShaamAnsu
by Jose Stevens, Ph.D.
(Who is a long time observer and reader of the Edgar Cayce Readings.)The following is a brief description of the characteristics of five basic soul levels. Each level has many lifetimes of lessons to teach us wisdom through trial and error.THE INFANT SOUL: Infant souls choose lessons of physical survival. They live in simple situations that include intense experiences - famine, plagues, floods, wars, oppression, etc. They don't know the difference between right and wrong, though they can be taught to be decent human beings. They don't usually seek higher education and often don't seek employment, as such. Infant souls don't question authority and willingly adopt the religion of their parents as is.
THE BABY SOUL: Baby souls display less fear than infant souls and are more sophisticated. But they tend to over apply rules. Black is black as far as they're concerned. Their strong early beliefs remain fixed in their minds, regardless of lack of their wisdom or tolerance. Baby souls love to become big fish in their little puddles...but hate being opposed. Because of this they may spend much time in litigation. Baby souls don't spend time navel-gazing into their own lives. They're often "good students" that learn "proper subjects," and are attracted to fundamentalist religions.
THE YOUNG SOUL: Young souls are the "Donald Trumps" of the world...the movers and shakers. They usually set the bar too high for themselves. Achievement is paramount. They chase after what they believe will bring success without ever stopping to think why - because they're so limited in their perception. They fear death and must have all the toys, experiences, fame and money they can possibly accumulate before they die. They are designers of civilization. Young souls usually seek higher education and graduate-level degrees. Their views of orthodoxy are at one end of the spectrum or the other. Monks and nuns are at one end and a belief in total sexual freedom, the other. They have difficulty with insight into other people's behaviour.THE
MATURE SOUL: Mature souls challenge the young soul's desire to "have it all." It is a hard cycle that demands seeking answers to life's tough questions. They are attracted to gentler faiths, such as Quaker, Unitarian, or Buddhist. Mature souls are not as open to the occult as old souls. They look for and question the motivation for all of life's actions. They often continue with inappropriate relationships - perhaps believing that through self-sacrifice, or tough lessons they will ultimately prevail. Often they can't shake their sense of duty.
Mature souls suffer from stress related illness that sometimes results in schizophrenia, psychosis and a higher suicide rate than other souls. [Cayce emphasized the role that 'stress' plays in not only physical illnesses but also mental illnesses; he believed it was 'stress' that wrecked havoc on the brain chemistry/balance] . But they're smart enough to seek professional help without urging. Mature souls often make huge contributions to knowledge - particularly philosophical and scientific. But altogether they don't necessarily have the drive for fame, many still achieve it. They'reemotionally high maintenance.
THE OLD SOUL: Old Souls live and let live. They seek the route of least resistance.. .they're individualistic and usually easy going. They have an inner knowing of the waste of time in pursuing fame and fortune and therefore create the appearance of being "laid back." Old souls are highly competent - even in roles they don't particularly like. They tend to choose work that is pleasant and undemanding, leaving them free to pursue their desired goals easily...unless the job adds to the spiritual search. They may or may not seek higher education... but definitely will seek it if they sense it's needed for their chosen path. Old souls create confidence in animals. And their choice of medical care tends to be alternative and holistic.
Old souls are here to teach others their spiritual understandings. Their philosophies and writings are simple and easy to read. Old souls religion is far reaching and has no label. A grove of trees is a sacred place to them. They seldom cling to dogma and prefer personal spiritual practices. However, old souls are wise enough to be discreet in their religious practices and know how to pass in public undetected. They focus on searching for the spiritual truth and have a finer sense of knowing what is true than any other souls level. Old souls all over the world share the experience of emptiness and a longing for that feeling of home.
I have discovered that I am an old soul and that my Fiancee is a baby soul. Please comment what you soul is on the main blog page. It would be interesting to see who is what soul.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
MUAHAHAHA She got what she deserved
Ok, you remember back in may about me talking about the girl that did a hit and run on my car. Well she got sentenced not to long ago. She got charged with $1,400.00 in courtfines, 6 months jail time, 32 Hours of community service and 1 year of probation.
I guess Karma is still out there for the retarded LOL.
No offense but she got what she deserved. Drunk Minor anyways!
I guess Karma is still out there for the retarded LOL.
No offense but she got what she deserved. Drunk Minor anyways!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
FreeBirthing vs. Modern day times
I was watching a tv show this morning and it was about free birthing. That means no hospitals or midwives. Just the soon to be mom and her family. As I was watching it, they said something along the lines of people are trying to make it illegal for moms to have at home births without a midwife or doctors.
What ever happened to the very old times when women would always give natural births in the safety of there own homes... and yet modern day is trying to make it illegal for it to happen anymore.
All that I have to say is....... WOW!
What ever happened to the very old times when women would always give natural births in the safety of there own homes... and yet modern day is trying to make it illegal for it to happen anymore.
All that I have to say is....... WOW!
Friday, October 24, 2008
An apology
Sorry for the way that I acted about what I wrote in the last blog.... I was just really mad at the time because our life couldn't be any worse at the time. But Greg is working with his dad right now until he can find another Job.
Once again I am sorry if I said anything hurtful in the last one. Sorry, I was talking and wasn't thinking.... that usually is what happens when I get angry lol.
Once again I am sorry if I said anything hurtful in the last one. Sorry, I was talking and wasn't thinking.... that usually is what happens when I get angry lol.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My life has officially hit an all time low... here is the story of the past few months.
I got hired in June, I think, at the auto paint place where my mom works. Everything was going ok at first. I had ICCP (Idaho Child Care Program) covering part of the costs of daycare. But I was only making 7.25 an hour and working only 25 hours a week. Greg works for 8 and hour and 40 hours a week. Well I started working more hours and the more hours that I worked the less that ICCP would pay for daycare so I decide to apply for a parttime job during nights and weekends at a diner hall and got the job. So I quit working with my mom to become a stay at home mom so that we didnt have to pay day care. Well all was fine we were starting to barely catching up on our bills and then everything started catching up to us. I am only working one night a week now and the tips I am getting are not that good....
Well last night Greg hit a low because all of life had caught up to him well to make things all better and hit rock bottom. He got laid off because they could afford to pay him anymore because they were paying overtime to everyone else but greg was the hardest worker.... and didn't get paid overtime because he didn't stay over hours. Greg got fired over the other guy... and the other guy was hired after him and his wife gets paid has 40,000 a year with no kids. We are a family with 2 kids and barely make it every month.
Now we are already 2 months behind every bill possible.... cell, power, etc. I have a car payment that I have to come up with every month, t.v, rent, internet, netflix.
To make things bad is the fact that Idaho Power showed up to my doorstep asking for money or they were going to shut the power off.
If greg cant get unemployment and another job soon I might have to take up my dads offer drop off the face of the planet and make a new life with my dad in elko, NV....
Life sucks, this economy sucks, RON AND JERRY SUCK!!!!!! Bills are stupid, Man is the asshole race and the rich are all dick suckers!!!!!
I got hired in June, I think, at the auto paint place where my mom works. Everything was going ok at first. I had ICCP (Idaho Child Care Program) covering part of the costs of daycare. But I was only making 7.25 an hour and working only 25 hours a week. Greg works for 8 and hour and 40 hours a week. Well I started working more hours and the more hours that I worked the less that ICCP would pay for daycare so I decide to apply for a parttime job during nights and weekends at a diner hall and got the job. So I quit working with my mom to become a stay at home mom so that we didnt have to pay day care. Well all was fine we were starting to barely catching up on our bills and then everything started catching up to us. I am only working one night a week now and the tips I am getting are not that good....
Well last night Greg hit a low because all of life had caught up to him well to make things all better and hit rock bottom. He got laid off because they could afford to pay him anymore because they were paying overtime to everyone else but greg was the hardest worker.... and didn't get paid overtime because he didn't stay over hours. Greg got fired over the other guy... and the other guy was hired after him and his wife gets paid has 40,000 a year with no kids. We are a family with 2 kids and barely make it every month.
Now we are already 2 months behind every bill possible.... cell, power, etc. I have a car payment that I have to come up with every month, t.v, rent, internet, netflix.
To make things bad is the fact that Idaho Power showed up to my doorstep asking for money or they were going to shut the power off.
If greg cant get unemployment and another job soon I might have to take up my dads offer drop off the face of the planet and make a new life with my dad in elko, NV....
Life sucks, this economy sucks, RON AND JERRY SUCK!!!!!! Bills are stupid, Man is the asshole race and the rich are all dick suckers!!!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I was just scanning through some other peoples blogs and was looking at all of the pictures that people had taken of animals and the beauty of nature and great achitectural structures.
They were all beautiful and magnificant. I just wish that most people out there would realize the beauty of the earth and not take her for granted. She is very beautiful even today but the way that man treats her is maddening. I regret hurting her myself, for littering and driving my car, but I try and make up for it by picking up after other people and taking care of the greens nearest to me.
They were all beautiful and magnificant. I just wish that most people out there would realize the beauty of the earth and not take her for granted. She is very beautiful even today but the way that man treats her is maddening. I regret hurting her myself, for littering and driving my car, but I try and make up for it by picking up after other people and taking care of the greens nearest to me.
The New Worst Pain
I was nearing the end of my day at work and I was getting this very strong pain in my jaws and I realized that I was clinching my jaws. So I relaxed them and the pain kept going even when I got home and hour or so later. That whole time I couldn't shut my mouth all of the way because my very back gums were swallen, MY WISDOM TEETH!!!!!!!! The pain happened prior before and went away by the same day, but this time I had to goto the store and buy that nasty unflavored CRAP called ORAJEL..... OMG IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!!! They seriously need to make some new flavors or something cuz it's gross. And what is worst is after that CRAP comes into effect.... you start drooling excessively, you can't drink milk cuz half of your mouth can't even taste it. IT IS THE WEIRDEST FEELING EVER!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The worst pain in the WORLD!
I have dealt with several pains in my life. Childbirth x2, heartache, the flu.....
But there is this one pain that I think everyone will agree with me on is.... I'm not going to tell you yet until the end.
You are asleep in your bed. You are passed out and all of your limbs are spread out across the bed, all of a sudden you wake up with a start and you are instantly pulling yourself together in the fetal position almost crying because the pain hurts so FRIGGIN BAD! Your body temperature keeps turning from hot to cold and you tummy fells like it is about to explode. AND THEN YOU MAKE THE MAD DASH TO THE BATH ROOM, hopeing to god that you don't SHIT yourself!
Thats right everyone, I am talking about the infamous thing called DIARRHEA!
But there is this one pain that I think everyone will agree with me on is.... I'm not going to tell you yet until the end.
You are asleep in your bed. You are passed out and all of your limbs are spread out across the bed, all of a sudden you wake up with a start and you are instantly pulling yourself together in the fetal position almost crying because the pain hurts so FRIGGIN BAD! Your body temperature keeps turning from hot to cold and you tummy fells like it is about to explode. AND THEN YOU MAKE THE MAD DASH TO THE BATH ROOM, hopeing to god that you don't SHIT yourself!
Thats right everyone, I am talking about the infamous thing called DIARRHEA!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Peace and Relevance
That is all it is peace a relevance~
When you walk through the woods and hear the wind rustling through the branches and make them creak with the ages of time.
When you stand or sit next to a lake or ocean and just watch the beautiful waves crash against the glistening shore.
When you sit next to a blazing camp fire and watch the flames lick the black logs with there lust for the oxygen that fuels them.
When you sit on top of a mountain and feel the breeze of the wind caress and touch your skin in hairs in the warm sun.
That is all peace and all that really matters to be at peace. To be by yourself and just being there and listening and feeling and smelling the wonders of this world are all that matter to be at peace.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ok, Seriously! Some people just need to quit being complete assholes on Xbox live. I am sorry that I am kicking your ass across the map....that doesn't give you the right to call me a dirty word! I'm sorry I am making you respawn all spread out across that map.... that doesn't give you the right to team kill me when I am almost getting an air strike and then I ask you why and give me a stupid reason of why you did it! You just cost our team points for doing that dumbass! Just because I am woman on xbox live doesn't give you the right to always say "get back into the kitchen" Your just mad because I play better then you do.
NO! I am not a fat chick that has no life and sits at home sobbing to herself because she has no friends or whatever. I have family and a life and when i have nothing to do I play and kick your ass.
NO! I will not date you on xbox live and No! I don't wanna be your friend if you are going to act like a complete friggin Idiot!
Yes! I like playing video games and owning! What of it?
Nothing gives anyone the right to make a complete ass of themselves on live just so they can impress there friends....everyone else in the room thinks that you are a friggin idiot.
Kids under the age of 17 shouldn't be aloud to have a mic because they are mainly the ones that act like idiots.....
Peace YO!
NO! I am not a fat chick that has no life and sits at home sobbing to herself because she has no friends or whatever. I have family and a life and when i have nothing to do I play and kick your ass.
NO! I will not date you on xbox live and No! I don't wanna be your friend if you are going to act like a complete friggin Idiot!
Yes! I like playing video games and owning! What of it?
Nothing gives anyone the right to make a complete ass of themselves on live just so they can impress there friends....everyone else in the room thinks that you are a friggin idiot.
Kids under the age of 17 shouldn't be aloud to have a mic because they are mainly the ones that act like idiots.....
Peace YO!
The cutest thing ever!
Ok I taught Kyla a couple of words that sound like something else when she talks unclearly.....
Mole Freckles.....
Now take a few minutes to think about it....
if you can't think of it then I will tell you.... It sounds like she is say Mother F****r
Mole Freckles.....
Now take a few minutes to think about it....
if you can't think of it then I will tell you.... It sounds like she is say Mother F****r
Friday, August 29, 2008
Empathy ~ My Psychic moment
I have discovered in the past 2 years that I am an empath. That means that I can feel what other people are feeling (their emotions) and I can also get other peoples symptoms and I can usually tell when people are lying to me or are just lying in general. I have discovered how to control and use my ability properly from someone else helpful blog. http://psychicempaths.blogspot.com
This would explain why I was always "depress" like and pissy with everyone. Because I was letting my "vibrations" get so low to what other people are feeling that I was feeling the same thing and therefore acting out on there emotions.
I am a very happy person now that I have discovered how to control it and raise my vibrations. I think that is why I am happier by myself and in the woods, because being in nature to me raises my vibrations and I am so happy that I want to burst into tears from all of the happiness.
Also being with my kids raises my vibrations because they are always so happy and playful and always smiling and smiling raises my vibrations.
I hear some people say that Empathy is inherited from one of your family members. The only person that I can think of is my mom....I don't know much about my biological father, so mom will work. Besides in the past several month I have discovered that I have many similar traits as her. If I don't get enough sleep....well look out! LOL
This would explain why I was always "depress" like and pissy with everyone. Because I was letting my "vibrations" get so low to what other people are feeling that I was feeling the same thing and therefore acting out on there emotions.
I am a very happy person now that I have discovered how to control it and raise my vibrations. I think that is why I am happier by myself and in the woods, because being in nature to me raises my vibrations and I am so happy that I want to burst into tears from all of the happiness.
Also being with my kids raises my vibrations because they are always so happy and playful and always smiling and smiling raises my vibrations.
I hear some people say that Empathy is inherited from one of your family members. The only person that I can think of is my mom....I don't know much about my biological father, so mom will work. Besides in the past several month I have discovered that I have many similar traits as her. If I don't get enough sleep....well look out! LOL
The Cost of driving!!
Well today had finally broke down and had to register my car to me....well, the temp tag expired this sunday...
To register my car that I got from another state was $461.19!!!!
Omg I am now soooooooo broke it isn't even funny, but I finally got it done. No more stressing over that.
To register my car that I got from another state was $461.19!!!!
Omg I am now soooooooo broke it isn't even funny, but I finally got it done. No more stressing over that.
Snickers Bars
~~~~~A heightened yet fleeting state of accomplishment that makes you realize how unbelievably unmotivated you normally are.
~~~~~A state of mind making you feel very strong and powerful, almost mayor-like.
~~~~~The weight of something when you weigh it with you toungue.
~~~~~A heightened yet fleeting state of accomplishment that makes you realize how unbelievably unmotivated you normally are.
~~~~~A state of mind making you feel very strong and powerful, almost mayor-like.
~~~~~The weight of something when you weigh it with you toungue.
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Curious Feast
I'm at a crossroads, I look to my right and then I look to my left...and what do I see to my left but a big black creature standing in the middle of the road over his feast looking over at me, wondering if I am going to turn in his direction to disturb his meal. He never takes his eyes off of me until I cross the road. Then when he realizes that I am not going to disturb his lunch he continues to eat to his little hearts content.
The Black Crow
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Here you go
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Conspiracy Theory
I know that everyone has there own conspriacy theory and this one is mine. I know that there will be a lot of people out there that will agree with me.
First, lets start off with scientology.....yes scientology:
I have done very little research on it and don't really care to. All of the research that I have done is by watching south parks episode on scientology and from what my mother-in-law has told me.
All that scientology is a money hungry rich scarfing cult.
Mormonism is the exact same way..... at the end of the year if you want to remain on the "Ladder" in the mormon temple or whatever you have to pay the mormon search a certain amount of money out of your taxes....yeah.... I know retarded right?! No, It's fucking stupid.....Pardon my french.
Mormons..... and there damn door to door soliciting.....Do you see any other religion out there doing it.... besides the jahovah witness'..... The are trying to get more money out of people to make more reddiculus temples that have no point. Here in Twin Falls, ID they just got done building a new temple....eh.... and all off the interior carpets and decorations and whatnots have come from completely other countries....
And this is why i think that mormonism is the BIGGEST CULT out there ever, even bigger then scientology. Scientology is for the rich, because all that they want is money...well i take that back, every religion is for the rich except the earthbound religions that require no money!
Those are my two bitches for the conspiracy theory hour.... well 2 mintues.....
Wicca is free, wicca is earthbound and misunderstood because of what other religions have brain washed people to think. All that the Goddess and God ask every now and then from everyone is some love and a little food offering....
No money required!
Peace out, I will write more on this later, right now I have no time.
First, lets start off with scientology.....yes scientology:
I have done very little research on it and don't really care to. All of the research that I have done is by watching south parks episode on scientology and from what my mother-in-law has told me.
All that scientology is a money hungry rich scarfing cult.
Mormonism is the exact same way..... at the end of the year if you want to remain on the "Ladder" in the mormon temple or whatever you have to pay the mormon search a certain amount of money out of your taxes....yeah.... I know retarded right?! No, It's fucking stupid.....Pardon my french.
Mormons..... and there damn door to door soliciting.....Do you see any other religion out there doing it.... besides the jahovah witness'..... The are trying to get more money out of people to make more reddiculus temples that have no point. Here in Twin Falls, ID they just got done building a new temple....eh.... and all off the interior carpets and decorations and whatnots have come from completely other countries....
And this is why i think that mormonism is the BIGGEST CULT out there ever, even bigger then scientology. Scientology is for the rich, because all that they want is money...well i take that back, every religion is for the rich except the earthbound religions that require no money!
Those are my two bitches for the conspiracy theory hour.... well 2 mintues.....
Wicca is free, wicca is earthbound and misunderstood because of what other religions have brain washed people to think. All that the Goddess and God ask every now and then from everyone is some love and a little food offering....
No money required!
Peace out, I will write more on this later, right now I have no time.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fun Time in the Sun....Time
This weekend was the 2008 Montoya family reunion at Angel Lake in Wells Nevada. The girls had loads of fun, between Brianna getting everyones attention to Kyla playing with the water spicket and getting drenched....thank god that she was in a swimming suit lol.
The Lake up at Angel Lake is beautiful:

It had big tall mountains wrapped around the whole lake. The mountains were massive and surprisingly green with lush full green trees. On the left side of the lake there is a rolling green hill then connected to it is a beautifully tall white rocky mountain.

In the center of this picture on the far back there is a little water fall that is shown in a previous picture. It is very beautiful here. You could spend hours up here if you wanted to but I didn't because the mosquitos were coming out and I had no bug spray.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Today I wanna kick my daughters ass!
Kyla now has this thing on the weekends where she doesn't wanna wake us up and she wants to "help" me out by trying to go and make a bottle for Brianna.....Yes she gets into the formula and makes a mess like she usually does.
AND THATS NOT ALL!!!! She obviously thought that the kittens in the bathroom weren't clean enough so she desided to smear Gregs shaving cream on 5 out of 6 of them.....now they are wet because I had to wash them off.....Poor things
AND THATS NOT ALL!!!! She obviously thought that the kittens in the bathroom weren't clean enough so she desided to smear Gregs shaving cream on 5 out of 6 of them.....now they are wet because I had to wash them off.....Poor things
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Just to make things Clear!
Apparently some people can't mind there own business and need to learn to stay out of my personal business. So to make things clear!
Greg and I are working out right now, we are happy together and are probably not going to seperate for a long while. Now if you don't mind please shoo!
Greg and I are working out right now, we are happy together and are probably not going to seperate for a long while. Now if you don't mind please shoo!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
My First Ghost Hunt!!
Ok, so, last night I went on my first ghost hunt and I remember watching an episode of one of those ghost haunted house episode. And I remember watching something about using a pendulum and a Dowsing Rod and something else. So I thought, I already have the Pendulum, but I didn't know anything about Dowsing rods aka Diving rods. So I did some exploring and learned that it would be cheaper: to make some and they aren't hard. I will make a blog about how to make them after this one. So before I got to my mom's house to go with her and her friend on the ghost hunt in the cemetary. I would recommend coat hangers because they are stronger to hold form, but I bought some welding wire and that stuff is good for a quick fix and it does work.
Now on to the hunt, and I will display some pics of some possible ghostly orbs, and from what I know about orbs is that they are all solid from the inside out and move on there own accord. And I know for a Fact that some of these pics are Obrs becuz it moved from front to back of from the ground up and would follow us until we left the cemetary.
Here's the first pic:
I would show you the first one but due to the fact that there are names on the headstone, I can't

do that because that wouldn't make the family very unhappy. So About the first headstone all there of us were attracted to it, we all felt a rush of grief and agony, and being as I'm an empath, I felt it the strongest, it almost made me cry. So what I decided to do right when it was getting dark I set my digital voice recorder on top of the headstone and we all walked away to get pictures else where. Well we didn't get anything but dustballs from walking on the road, so I decided to come back to the headstone to pick up my recorder. On the way when I was getting closer I took a picture toward the headstone to see if I could see anything and you can see a little white orb up in the upper right hand corner. Then after that one we kept seeing more orbs and hearing and seeing things.
Ok so this next one is a two part and I can't really remember much about what happened before this but as you see it was on the left hand side of the headstone and then on the picture below it the orb moved to the top center of the headstone.

OK, this little bugger scared the crap out of me! I had my back to it and I was facing my mom and her friend and we were talking and I heard some grass and leaves crunch directly behind me, now mind you we're about an hour into this and I am already spooked, so I scream, Jump, run through my mom and run into mom's friend and turn around and took the picture and got this little bastard floating right next to where I heard em walking....it was walking right over that headstone...rather right in front of it. Man you wanna scare....let shit walk behind you, lol.

Now these are the last two pictures as we were walking back towards our vehicles, As you can see it is in front of me floating and then It heads back towards my mom and her friend and floats above there heads and then wonders off. It's was fun for my first hunt, I saw an orb for a second, saw some movement across the graveyard that wasn't alive, and got spooked by a spiritual orb. LOL, SO! WHENS MY NEXT HUNT?!
Now on to the hunt, and I will display some pics of some possible ghostly orbs, and from what I know about orbs is that they are all solid from the inside out and move on there own accord. And I know for a Fact that some of these pics are Obrs becuz it moved from front to back of from the ground up and would follow us until we left the cemetary.
Here's the first pic:
I would show you the first one but due to the fact that there are names on the headstone, I can't

do that because that wouldn't make the family very unhappy. So About the first headstone all there of us were attracted to it, we all felt a rush of grief and agony, and being as I'm an empath, I felt it the strongest, it almost made me cry. So what I decided to do right when it was getting dark I set my digital voice recorder on top of the headstone and we all walked away to get pictures else where. Well we didn't get anything but dustballs from walking on the road, so I decided to come back to the headstone to pick up my recorder. On the way when I was getting closer I took a picture toward the headstone to see if I could see anything and you can see a little white orb up in the upper right hand corner. Then after that one we kept seeing more orbs and hearing and seeing things.

OK, this little bugger scared the crap out of me! I had my back to it and I was facing my mom and her friend and we were talking and I heard some grass and leaves crunch directly behind me, now mind you we're about an hour into this and I am already spooked, so I scream, Jump, run through my mom and run into mom's friend and turn around and took the picture and got this little bastard floating right next to where I heard em walking....it was walking right over that headstone...rather right in front of it. Man you wanna scare....let shit walk behind you, lol.

Now these are the last two pictures as we were walking back towards our vehicles, As you can see it is in front of me floating and then It heads back towards my mom and her friend and floats above there heads and then wonders off. It's was fun for my first hunt, I saw an orb for a second, saw some movement across the graveyard that wasn't alive, and got spooked by a spiritual orb. LOL, SO! WHENS MY NEXT HUNT?!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Heaven and Hell
I don't believe in them.
See my religion teaches us that there is an afterlife, that there is past lives and a place that we goto before we become living souls again.
It also teaches us that there is a place that stores all of the souls memory after it dies called the Akashic....i think thats the word....data base, in a since. Everyone past lives are recorded and a lot of people don't realize it but the things that they have done in there past lives and current life will effect the lives of those to come. Say someone has a Weight issue, what did they do in there past life to cause it? Only hypnosis will help people discover what they have done wrong.
Children are amazing for remember things that have happened before there past life died in there conscious state. I remember reading about a little girl who was pretending that she was helping some children escape through the mountains....can't remember which ones, but come to find out that she was a renegade in a past life trying to save children from the Germans.
Children are closer linked to there souls past life when they are young and as people get older they start forgetting and parents tell kids, quit using that imagination of yours so much. But I don't think they should, they don't know if they are imagining something from there previous life.
Paganism was around long before the christian religion was even thought of, and after christianity came to play they made up heaven and hell to help scare people into believing in the religion. Im not meaning to bash the religion, it's just I believe in paganism and Wicca.
Peace out YO!
See my religion teaches us that there is an afterlife, that there is past lives and a place that we goto before we become living souls again.
It also teaches us that there is a place that stores all of the souls memory after it dies called the Akashic....i think thats the word....data base, in a since. Everyone past lives are recorded and a lot of people don't realize it but the things that they have done in there past lives and current life will effect the lives of those to come. Say someone has a Weight issue, what did they do in there past life to cause it? Only hypnosis will help people discover what they have done wrong.
Children are amazing for remember things that have happened before there past life died in there conscious state. I remember reading about a little girl who was pretending that she was helping some children escape through the mountains....can't remember which ones, but come to find out that she was a renegade in a past life trying to save children from the Germans.
Children are closer linked to there souls past life when they are young and as people get older they start forgetting and parents tell kids, quit using that imagination of yours so much. But I don't think they should, they don't know if they are imagining something from there previous life.
Paganism was around long before the christian religion was even thought of, and after christianity came to play they made up heaven and hell to help scare people into believing in the religion. Im not meaning to bash the religion, it's just I believe in paganism and Wicca.
Peace out YO!
It's off....
I reevaluated my life and come to find out that I was not happy with Greg, so I broke off the engagement. It's not because of anyone else in my life or anything like that it's cause I don't feel the Love like I use to, or am suppose to when one gets asked to be married. I don't feel the spark like I use to in the past, a year ago.
Maybe this one is not meant to be, who knows but the ones involved. I told him that I would give it another try to see if anything changes. But I don't know if it will, I am trying but it's very hard to do when you still aren't happy with the position that you are in life. I guess that we will see what happens in a couple of weeks if I still feel the same as I do now.
Will I break it off? I don't know.
Where will I go if I break it off completely? Probably to my mom's house for a while.
Will I be able to financially handle? Possibly, I have been getting more hours at work because one of the delivery drivers quit so now I am on day shift working from 830-4ish everyday and they close around 530pm. I might have to get another part time job if they hire someone else and cut my hours.
Always wait to see what the future holds, I don't wanna tear apart a family but if you are not happy in a relationship then why stay tied down because of the kids. I need to look out for my happiness as well. Don't get me wrong, the time that I have spent with greg was a good one and if it's not ment to be then it's not ment to be.
Only time will tell.
Peace out, YO!
Maybe this one is not meant to be, who knows but the ones involved. I told him that I would give it another try to see if anything changes. But I don't know if it will, I am trying but it's very hard to do when you still aren't happy with the position that you are in life. I guess that we will see what happens in a couple of weeks if I still feel the same as I do now.
Will I break it off? I don't know.
Where will I go if I break it off completely? Probably to my mom's house for a while.
Will I be able to financially handle? Possibly, I have been getting more hours at work because one of the delivery drivers quit so now I am on day shift working from 830-4ish everyday and they close around 530pm. I might have to get another part time job if they hire someone else and cut my hours.
Always wait to see what the future holds, I don't wanna tear apart a family but if you are not happy in a relationship then why stay tied down because of the kids. I need to look out for my happiness as well. Don't get me wrong, the time that I have spent with greg was a good one and if it's not ment to be then it's not ment to be.
Only time will tell.
Peace out, YO!
Monday, July 21, 2008
New future for everyone...
I am finally engaged, that bastard finally proposed...lol, he told me to say that.
The wedding is probably going to be sometime next summer on the seventh. Why the seventh you ask, because both of my girls were born on the seventh. Duh LOL
The wedding is probably going to be sometime next summer on the seventh. Why the seventh you ask, because both of my girls were born on the seventh. Duh LOL
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My New Car
Yes I finally got a new car!!!! It was an 8 hour round trip to Provo Utah to get it but I think that it is worth it.
I got a 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix with 67,000 miles on it for only 4,995.00, long story about how I got it so cheap, But there is one thing that I gotta get checked out and that I that it shimmy's at a high speed. But that can be easily fixed. And it's got an after market muffler on it so it sounds like a beast lol.
I got a 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix with 67,000 miles on it for only 4,995.00, long story about how I got it so cheap, But there is one thing that I gotta get checked out and that I that it shimmy's at a high speed. But that can be easily fixed. And it's got an after market muffler on it so it sounds like a beast lol.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Drama Drama Drama
Why do people consistently start drama?! Why do people not believe you even though you repeatedly say that you didn't do anything?!
I have an ex that i have become good friends with over the past months, he has a fiance and a kid. His brother consistently keeps telling his fiance that i have been sending him voulger pictures and videos and whatever. I keep telling them that nothing is happening, we are just friends. And then the brothers wife decide to send my boyfriend a message with a shitload of lies and he tells me to quit talking to him....
I have an ex that i have become good friends with over the past months, he has a fiance and a kid. His brother consistently keeps telling his fiance that i have been sending him voulger pictures and videos and whatever. I keep telling them that nothing is happening, we are just friends. And then the brothers wife decide to send my boyfriend a message with a shitload of lies and he tells me to quit talking to him....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sorry that it has been a while since I last posted anything, i have been busy with two lil monkeys and a boyfriend that is the biggest turd of them all.
I will be right again soon i have a lot to write about.
Lates yo!
I will be right again soon i have a lot to write about.
Lates yo!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Thanks to the gods man made hairspray!!!!
Saturday.....and everybody is asleep......
Except one, she goes by the name of Kyla-Shay! She goes into mommy and daddys bedroom to hand mommy her phone, only to get it spanked!!!! She had written all over the phone in red marker!
Thank god man invented hairspray and it came right off.
The terrible two strikes again!
Except one, she goes by the name of Kyla-Shay! She goes into mommy and daddys bedroom to hand mommy her phone, only to get it spanked!!!! She had written all over the phone in red marker!
Thank god man invented hairspray and it came right off.
The terrible two strikes again!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Well, after thursday my dad will no longer be living in Challis, they had movers over to pack up everything. Last night they stayed at a hotel because there house has nothing but boxes in it. They are moving to Elko, NV.
What sucks is we now have to pay to stay up in challis to go fishing and stuff, GRRR, and what sucks even more is if we wanna go fishing in Nevada we have to pay for a out-of-state license.
Car update
Right now we are currently using my dads car until the estaments and insurance stuff are done. Speaking of Auto body places, the one up in challis is a rip-off. Dad had them do an estament on my car and it would cost them 8,696.00 to repair the car. I had my dad fax the paper work to Larrin (Greg's dad) and he looked at it and he has already come up with 3,000.00 less then what the guy up on challis did.
So the insurance guy called a couple of days ago and asked about some stuff and I told him that I want the car moved down here to get a real estament because I don't trust the guy up there. So Larrin is going up to Challis friday to get the car, and of course the insurance company is going to pay for it.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Congrats YO!
My brother Joe Joe graduated yesterday (Sunday May 18th, 2008) at 2 p.m.. Congratulations and before to long you will wish that you were still at daddy's house going back to high school
Never Leave your parked car in the middle of a street on a weekend!
And I will tell you why....

It's was about 2 oclock in the morning and everyone was asleep from there drunken stupper, in other words all of us drunks passed out!!!
I am dead asleep and Sandy yells threw our open window at there house UP IN CHALLIS!!!! "Hey Erin, Someone hit you car and pushed it into the ditch."
I reply, " HUH?"
She say "Someone hit your car, and they drove off"
I reply pissed off, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!"
Oh yes, someone slammed into the right front end of my car. Tore off half of the front bumper and scractch all the way down my car, tearing it open like a can opener.
Here are some pictures:
The last one is a can opener, it was literally cut open and sharp.
The next morning they caught the dumb broad that did it, oh she was drunk, obviously, and she told her friend that she hit a deer.
I got to look at her car and I dont know how she drove away.... Both airbags were deployed and her car was more messed up then mine. I didn't get pictures because I didn't have my camera on me.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tank Troubles: Part Duece
I love kids....Kids are awesome....Expecially two year olds....grr!!!!
Sometimes I wonder what goes through my 2 year olds mind....she is just so wonderful :D
Usually she wakes me up every morning crawling into bed with be or she will say she's hungry.... oh no! Today JUST had to be so different. She decided that the fish tank needed more stuff added to it......
She woke me up this morning saying uh and lifted up her foot to show me what is all over the bottom of her foot but the sticky mixture of baby formula, cat sawdust litter and aquarium salt....
I walked into the kitchen this morning and there was baby formula all over the floor but the can was missing. So I spank her but and sit her in the tub and started searching for the can and it was in her bedroom in front of the fish tank. Oh that's not all she did! I looked at the fish tank and it is sooooo cloudy that you could barely see the fish next to the glass....and I had just bought some more fish yesterday.
She had dumped the half of the big box of aquarium salt into the tank making it cloudy. She also put baby formula and cat litter into the tank. Oh it was so fun catching the fish when you could barely see them.
Let's just say that little precious Kyla is going to have a bruised but tomorrow.
Sometimes I wonder what goes through my 2 year olds mind....she is just so wonderful :D
Usually she wakes me up every morning crawling into bed with be or she will say she's hungry.... oh no! Today JUST had to be so different. She decided that the fish tank needed more stuff added to it......
She woke me up this morning saying uh and lifted up her foot to show me what is all over the bottom of her foot but the sticky mixture of baby formula, cat sawdust litter and aquarium salt....
I walked into the kitchen this morning and there was baby formula all over the floor but the can was missing. So I spank her but and sit her in the tub and started searching for the can and it was in her bedroom in front of the fish tank. Oh that's not all she did! I looked at the fish tank and it is sooooo cloudy that you could barely see the fish next to the glass....and I had just bought some more fish yesterday.
She had dumped the half of the big box of aquarium salt into the tank making it cloudy. She also put baby formula and cat litter into the tank. Oh it was so fun catching the fish when you could barely see them.
Let's just say that little precious Kyla is going to have a bruised but tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Yesterday she went into the bathroom by herself and got into her daddy's condition and spread it all over stuff....
Fishy Fishy, oh Fishy Fishy....
My daughter went down for a nap yesterday and Greg and I heard her playing in her room, leaving her to her own business, I checked on her to see if she was getting into anything. She had dumped the rest of the fish salt into the tank (there wasn't that much left) and then she dumped all of the chlorine remover into the fish tank....I just bought that small bottle the day before.
Vagisil...not as bad as it sounds...
My lovely little two year old got into my mom's vagisil while I wasn't looking and but it all over her sister's face....thank god none of it got into her eyes.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Two year old and Shampoo
Never ever ever ever leave your 2 year old kids alone with there shampoo sitting at the edge of the tub....they think that they have to wash themselves and empty out the entire bottle of shampoo that is left... there was half a bottle left sitting at the edge of the tub and I walked away for a minute to dress Brianna and it was gone when I came back....turdhead
Friday, May 2, 2008
Wells Fargo is GAY!!!!
The one thing that pisses me off the most is wellsfargo and there damned overdraft fees....It's stuff, hey lets put 34.00 dollars in overdraft fees when really there is no money in the account to begin with....Money and bills and everything that has to do with money is gay!!!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Todays Toilet Paper word of the day
Elusive ~
Don't have a definition right now.....but those BASTARDS are elusive fuckers lol
Monday, April 28, 2008
This months riddle.
You have to coins that equal up to 30 cents, and one of them is not a nickle. What are they?
Answer: A nickle AND a quarter.
Answer: A nickle AND a quarter.
THE pooping Champion of the household.
I was playing xbox and my two year old was in bed and I had Brianna in my lap. She starts fussing just as a match is started and I look down to see what her problem was....She pooped out of her diaper, into the crotch of my pants, there is a big pile on the floor, and some on my sock.....
It took me about a half an hour to clean up all of the poop off of her and off of the floor. I have never seen a newborn poop so much in my life. And let alone it is all Yellow and kinda chunky, lol.
It took me about a half an hour to clean up all of the poop off of her and off of the floor. I have never seen a newborn poop so much in my life. And let alone it is all Yellow and kinda chunky, lol.
Today's Toilet Paper Word of the Day
Conundrum ~ [kuh-nuhn-druhm]
1. a riddle, the answer to which involves a pun or play on words, as What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper.
2. anything that puzzles.
1. a riddle, the answer to which involves a pun or play on words, as What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper.
2. anything that puzzles.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Random Thought of the Day
What if people weren't able to breathe through there mouth when there noses were plugged when they got sick?
Would we have to go to the doctors everytime we got sick?
Would we even get sick?
Would we have to go to the doctors everytime we got sick?
Would we even get sick?
Life is a fleeting memory,
It come and goes,
But one thing will always remain.
That is History.
It come and goes,
But one thing will always remain.
That is History.
Potty Training Troubles....
My 2 year old is in the middle of potty training and I think that she's getting to the point where she is getting confused.
Last night she was behind me and I heard some kind of liquid hitting the floor, I turned around and she was squatting holding her panties down and peeing on the floor.......
Spankings insued and she got to sit on the potty for about 10 minutes.
Last night she was behind me and I heard some kind of liquid hitting the floor, I turned around and she was squatting holding her panties down and peeing on the floor.......
Spankings insued and she got to sit on the potty for about 10 minutes.
Friday, April 25, 2008
System Restore
My system crashed last night....with Viruses and malware. I got rid of the viruses but the malware insisted on staying and annoy me with infernal internet pop-ups. So I restarted my computer in safe mode and called my dad and asked him how to restore my system to before all of this crap happened.
Go to Programs, accessories, system tools and then system restore and you click on the day that you wanna restore and then the time that you want to restore. You computer will automatically restart in regular mode. Your system should be fine then, and I recommend you run your virus scan just in case.
Good information to know, especially when you don't know that much about your computers system.
Go to Programs, accessories, system tools and then system restore and you click on the day that you wanna restore and then the time that you want to restore. You computer will automatically restart in regular mode. Your system should be fine then, and I recommend you run your virus scan just in case.
Good information to know, especially when you don't know that much about your computers system.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Terrible Two's......
One day I was staying at my moms house and put Kyla down for a nap in her bed downstairs, well there is Brianna's Crib right at the foot of the bed and kyla knows how to crawl into the crib.
I had the baby monitor on the see if I could hear her moving around downstair or if she was sleeping. She was walking up the stairs calling my name and saying potty. I notice some white stuff on her face and thought it was baby powder, oh no it wasn't. It was baby butt cream....desitin......
So I whipped it of her face and arms and went downstair to see what she had been doing with her sisters butt cream, and at this point I was already annoyed that she was out of bed and into stuff.
OH NO! She had to put all of her stuffed bears and blankets and a couple of her dolls into Brianna's crib and whip it all over everything....White stuff everywhere.....She got spankings and sent back to bed and I had the joy of cleaning all of her blankets again....yes again, they had just been clean not to long prior to her first time of going to bed.
A few days later she did the same thing but it was only buttwhipes that i had to fold and put away, wasnt as bad.
Kids are joys....I'm telling you!!! lol
I had the baby monitor on the see if I could hear her moving around downstair or if she was sleeping. She was walking up the stairs calling my name and saying potty. I notice some white stuff on her face and thought it was baby powder, oh no it wasn't. It was baby butt cream....desitin......
So I whipped it of her face and arms and went downstair to see what she had been doing with her sisters butt cream, and at this point I was already annoyed that she was out of bed and into stuff.
OH NO! She had to put all of her stuffed bears and blankets and a couple of her dolls into Brianna's crib and whip it all over everything....White stuff everywhere.....She got spankings and sent back to bed and I had the joy of cleaning all of her blankets again....yes again, they had just been clean not to long prior to her first time of going to bed.
A few days later she did the same thing but it was only buttwhipes that i had to fold and put away, wasnt as bad.
Kids are joys....I'm telling you!!! lol
True Beauty
Nothing is more beautiful then looking into the face of a newborn baby. Especially when they just sit there and smile there cute little toothless smile and koo there little heart out, Even giggling is so cute from a newborn.
I have two beautiful little girls. One is 2 years old and right now as you can imagine the terrible two's have stuck the house hold...GRRR, and of course after I gave birth to her little sister she has become even more of a pill. She was born Nov 7th, 2005 and has some of the brightest blues eyes that you will ever see. Just like mine. And she was born flawless, meaning no allegies or illness, except for the fact that she wanted to come early because her water broke. Something called PPROM (Pretrem Premature Rupture of Membrane), Mainly cause by my poor eating habits.....Lets just say I looked bloated when I gave birth to her. Thank god For epidurals.
My second little girl was born March 7th, 2008 and she is a lot more quiet and adorable then her older jealous sister. She is, unfortunately, Lactose intolerant. So for the first few months of her life she was breasfed and lactose free formula fed. And she poops like a champion lol. She also has beautiful blue eyes like her sister. She was born by c-section a week after her due date. The doctors induced me and I stopped progressing at 8 cm, thank god for epidurals, i think this one was one of the worst pains in the world. And let me tell you that getting cut open sucks because it feel like an eternity for you to heal.
Babies are beautiful, but there not for everyone (abusers, molestors, etc.) Enjoy your life with your kids, or your families kids, they are interesting little buggers.
I have two beautiful little girls. One is 2 years old and right now as you can imagine the terrible two's have stuck the house hold...GRRR, and of course after I gave birth to her little sister she has become even more of a pill. She was born Nov 7th, 2005 and has some of the brightest blues eyes that you will ever see. Just like mine. And she was born flawless, meaning no allegies or illness, except for the fact that she wanted to come early because her water broke. Something called PPROM (Pretrem Premature Rupture of Membrane), Mainly cause by my poor eating habits.....Lets just say I looked bloated when I gave birth to her. Thank god For epidurals.
My second little girl was born March 7th, 2008 and she is a lot more quiet and adorable then her older jealous sister. She is, unfortunately, Lactose intolerant. So for the first few months of her life she was breasfed and lactose free formula fed. And she poops like a champion lol. She also has beautiful blue eyes like her sister. She was born by c-section a week after her due date. The doctors induced me and I stopped progressing at 8 cm, thank god for epidurals, i think this one was one of the worst pains in the world. And let me tell you that getting cut open sucks because it feel like an eternity for you to heal.
Babies are beautiful, but there not for everyone (abusers, molestors, etc.) Enjoy your life with your kids, or your families kids, they are interesting little buggers.
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