Saturday, September 27, 2008


I was just scanning through some other peoples blogs and was looking at all of the pictures that people had taken of animals and the beauty of nature and great achitectural structures.

They were all beautiful and magnificant. I just wish that most people out there would realize the beauty of the earth and not take her for granted. She is very beautiful even today but the way that man treats her is maddening. I regret hurting her myself, for littering and driving my car, but I try and make up for it by picking up after other people and taking care of the greens nearest to me.

The New Worst Pain

I was nearing the end of my day at work and I was getting this very strong pain in my jaws and I realized that I was clinching my jaws. So I relaxed them and the pain kept going even when I got home and hour or so later. That whole time I couldn't shut my mouth all of the way because my very back gums were swallen, MY WISDOM TEETH!!!!!!!! The pain happened prior before and went away by the same day, but this time I had to goto the store and buy that nasty unflavored CRAP called ORAJEL..... OMG IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!!! They seriously need to make some new flavors or something cuz it's gross. And what is worst is after that CRAP comes into effect.... you start drooling excessively, you can't drink milk cuz half of your mouth can't even taste it. IT IS THE WEIRDEST FEELING EVER!


Monday, September 15, 2008

The worst pain in the WORLD!

I have dealt with several pains in my life. Childbirth x2, heartache, the flu.....

But there is this one pain that I think everyone will agree with me on is.... I'm not going to tell you yet until the end.

You are asleep in your bed. You are passed out and all of your limbs are spread out across the bed, all of a sudden you wake up with a start and you are instantly pulling yourself together in the fetal position almost crying because the pain hurts so FRIGGIN BAD! Your body temperature keeps turning from hot to cold and you tummy fells like it is about to explode. AND THEN YOU MAKE THE MAD DASH TO THE BATH ROOM, hopeing to god that you don't SHIT yourself!

Thats right everyone, I am talking about the infamous thing called DIARRHEA!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Peace and Relevance

That is all it is peace a relevance~

When you walk through the woods and hear the wind rustling through the branches and make them creak with the ages of time. 

When you stand or sit next to a lake or ocean and just watch the beautiful waves crash against the glistening shore.

When you sit next to a blazing camp fire and watch the flames lick the black logs with there lust for the oxygen that fuels them.

When you sit on top of a mountain and feel the breeze of the wind caress and touch your skin in hairs in the warm sun.

That is all peace and all that really matters to be at peace. To be by yourself and just being there and listening and feeling and smelling the wonders of this world are all that matter to be at peace.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Ok, Seriously! Some people just need to quit being complete assholes on Xbox live. I am sorry that I am kicking your ass across the map....that doesn't give you the right to call me a dirty word! I'm sorry I am making you respawn all spread out across that map.... that doesn't give you the right to team kill me when I am almost getting an air strike and then I ask you why and give me a stupid reason of why you did it! You just cost our team points for doing that dumbass! Just because I am woman on xbox live doesn't give you the right to always say "get back into the kitchen" Your just mad because I play better then you do.

NO! I am not a fat chick that has no life and sits at home sobbing to herself because she has no friends or whatever. I have family and a life and when i have nothing to do I play and kick your ass.

NO! I will not date you on xbox live and No! I don't wanna be your friend if you are going to act like a complete friggin Idiot!

Yes! I like playing video games and owning! What of it?

Nothing gives anyone the right to make a complete ass of themselves on live just so they can impress there friends....everyone else in the room thinks that you are a friggin idiot.

Kids under the age of 17 shouldn't be aloud to have a mic because they are mainly the ones that act like idiots.....

Peace YO!

The cutest thing ever!

Ok I taught Kyla a couple of words that sound like something else when she talks unclearly.....

Mole Freckles.....

Now take a few minutes to think about it....

if you can't think of it then I will tell you.... It sounds like she is say Mother F****r